Students are expected to conduct themselves as ladies at all times in all places.The whole hearted co-operation of the guardians is expected at all times in the character formation of their children. As the child progresses from the lower to the upper classes, she will be given increasing opportunity to shift from conforming to externally imposed order to self-imposed discipline.

The school will insist on strict punctuality, regular school attendance, and fidelity to study and work assignment. Absence from school for merely social functions will be strongly discouraged

Expected Behaviour:

The School expects the following desirable behavior from students:

  • Coming to school on time with HOMEwork done and suitably equipped for the lessons of the day ahead.
  • Respecting the views, rights and property of others.
  • Accepting and treating with respect and kindness other pupils in the school irrespective of caste creed and social background.
  • Co-operating in class with the teacher and with their peers on shared activities.
  • Applying themselves to the tasks assigned and working to the best of their ability.
  • Seeking help if they do not understand or are in difficulties.
  • Conforming to the conventions of good behavior and abiding school rules.
  • Adhering to the accepted conventions of courtesy and manners.
  • Responding positively to opportunities to act independently of the teacher and show initiative.
  • Locking and Parking cycles and two wheelers in the places allotted and wearing helmets (if applicable).

The School does not tolerate the following undesirable behavior in students:

  • Being unkind to the peers, include any form of bullying.
  • Interrupting others and being inattentive when others contributing to the lesson.
  • Displaying a lot of interest in learning and preventing others from learning.
  • Being unable or unwilling to abide by the accepted conventions of courtesy and good manners.
  • Defacing or destroying other pupils’ belongings or school property.
  • Directing abusive language at other pupils or the teacher.
  • Acting aggressively or with violence towards other pupils or members of the staff.
  • Truancy
  • Persistent absenteeism.
  • Lack of Punctuality.

Other matters of discipline:

  • A warning well will be rung 5 minutes before the assembly at which students will be assembling for Morning Prayer. After gate school gate will be closed.
  • Those using mopeds/ Scooters must have valid driving licence. An attested copy of the same must be submitted in the school office they must also wear helmet. If students will not comply with these requirements, parents will be held accountable.
  • Electronic gadgets such as I-pods. I-pads etc are prohibited in School. To bring any such gadgets for whatever reason, Prior permission ought to be obtained from the principal. If found, Rs. 500/- will be charged as fine and a warning letter will be issued. Repeated disobedience in this matter can lead to dismissal.

St. Francis' Convent Inter College

Affiliated to CISCE

P.O. Box No. 1, 67, Cantt, Jhansi,
 Uttar Pradesh - 284001


+91 7376338453,  +91 94500 71734

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