  I have come to Thee to the take thy touch before I begin my day.
 1. Let thy eyes rest upon my eyes for a while.
 2. Let me take to my work the assurance of thy Comradeship my friend.
 3. Fill my mind with thy music to last through the desert of noise.
 4. Let thy love's sunshine kiss the peaks of my thoughts and linger in my life’s valley where the harvest ripens.s
Our Father who in heav'n above, Dost rule o'er land and skies, Thy children's love. Thy children's prayer Be pleasing in thine eyes. Our father, may thy holy Name, Be blessed by ev’ry tongue, Thy kingdom come in every soul, Thy glory to prolong !
Our Father, give us every day, The daily bread we need, And all our sins forgive us now, As we forgive, we plead ! Our Father, do not let us fall, In temptation's hour of strife, O guard us from all evil here, Give us eternal life.
Make God your Guru Let him tell you what to do Listen He's calling clear and true. Take time to listen take courage to obey, The inner voice is calling, calling you.There are voices all around me My enemies my friends, Do this - don't do that The chorus never ends. But 1 shall always listen to the quiet inner voice. It is sweet and gentle, And I ware made my choice.
1. Guardian angel, From Heaven so bright Watching beside me, To lead me aright, Fold thy wings round me, O guard me with love, Softly sing songs to me, Of heaven above, Ch: Beautiful Angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy Child.2. Angel so holy, Whom God sends to me, Sinful and lowly, My guardian to be, Wilt thou not cherish The child of thy care ? Let me not perish, My trust is thy prayer.
3. O may I never
Forget thou art near : But keep me ever, In love and in fear. Waking and sleeping In labour and rest, In thy sweet keeping, For I am thy Child.
Ref.: Let thy love play upon my voice and rest on my silence.
1. Let it pass through my heart into all my movements.
2. Let thy love like stars shine in the darkness of my sleep and dawn in my awakening.
3. Let it burn in the flame of my desires and flow in all currents of my own love.
4. Let me carry thy love in my life as a harp does its music and give it back to thee at last with my life.
Ref.: This is my prayer to thee, my Lord : Strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart.
1. Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.
2. Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service.
3. Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might.
4. Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.
5. Give me the strength to surrender my strength To thy will with love.
There's my neighbour so lone and forgotten, it's up to me to make things lighter for him. There's my neighbour so lone and forgotten, It's up to me to help him through. If I can work with courage For the cause of rights Then my neighbour so lone and forgotten. May find the strength to live today.
2. There's my neighbour who can't get employment. It's.......................
3. There's my neighbour who's seeking a lodging. It's.......................
4. There's my neighbour who can't get a hearing. It's.......................
5. There's my neighbour so tried by injustice. It's.......................
1. Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring love. Where there is injury, Your pardon, Lord, and where there's doubt, true faith in you.
2. Where there's discouragement, let me bring hope, Where there is darkness let me bring your light, And where there's sadness, let me bring joy.
3. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, It is in giving that we do receive, and it's in dying that we're born to life,
Lord, we pray for golden peace, Peace all over the land, Let us dwell in liberty. Walking hand in hand.
1. Banish fear and ignorance, hunger, thirst and pain Banish hate and poverty, let no one love in vain.
2. Keep us all over for ever one, one in love and grace Wipe away all war and strife, give freedom to each race.
3. Let your Justice reign supreme and righteousness be done. Let goodness rule the hearts of all, evil be over come.
1. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.
CH : Into that heaven of freedom my Father, Let my country awake
2. Where knowledge is free.
3. Where the would has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls.
4. Where words come out from the depth of truth.
5. Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection.
6. Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sands of dead habit.
7. Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever widening thought and action.
REFRAIN :- It takes courage to answer a call, It takes courage to give your all. It takes courage to risk your name. It takes courage to be true.
1. It takes courage to dare what no other will share. To be standing alone, One whom no one will own To be ready to stake for another man's sake. It takes courage to true (R)
2. It takes courage to say what you know will not pay. To give each one his share. Though there'll be less to spare. To be seeking no more than the neighbour next door. It takes courage to true (R)
1. Out in the highways and byways of life, Many are weary and sad. Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife Making the sorrowing glad.
Chorus : Make me a blessing, make me a blessing. Out of my life may Jesus shine, Make be a blessing, O Saviour, I pray, Make me a blessing to someone today,
2. Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love, Tell of His power to forgive. Others will trust Him if only you prove True, every moment you live
3. Give as t' was given to you in your need, Love as the master loved you, Be to the helpless a helper in need, Unto your mission be true.
1. Keep me in the hollow of your hand, Lead me through this wild and stormy land ; You who guide my feet though the path way may be steep, keep me in the hollow of your hand.
Chorus : Keep me, keep me day by day, Guide me, guide me all the way ; Never, never let me stray, Keep me in the hollow of your hand.
2. Keep me in the centre of your will, All your plans for me may I fulfill ; As I go my way. help me, Lord, from day to day, Keep me in the centre of your will.
3. Keep me in the circle of your love. Looking down to comfort from above : Help me see your face as I pray for daily grace, Keep me in the circle of your love.
Lord, we pray for golden peace, Peace all over the land, Let us dwell in liberty. Walking hand in hand.
1. Banish fear and ignorance, hunger, thirst and pain Banish hate and poverty, let no one love in vain.
2. Keep us all over for ever one, one in love and grace Wipe away all war and strife, give freedom to each race.
3. Let your Justice reign supreme and righteousness be done. Let goodness rule the hearts of all, evil be over come.
1. When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged thinking all is lost; Count your many blessings, name them one by one And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Ch : Count your blessings, name them one by one Count your blessings, see what God hath done ; Count your blessings, name them one by one Count your many blessings, See what God hath done.
2. Are you ever burdened with a load of care ? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly. And you will be singing as the days go by.
3. So amid the conflicts, whether greater or small Do not be discouraged. God is over all : Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.
1. God will take care of you, be not afraid. He is your safe guard thro' sunshine and shade, Tenderly watching and keeping His own, He will not leave you to wander alone.
Ch : God will take care of you still to the end, Oh, what a Father redeemer, and friend, Jesus will answer when ever you call, He will take care of you, trust Him for all.
2. God will take care of you thro' all the day, Shielding your foot steps, directing your way, He is your shepherd, protector, and guide. Leading His children where still waters glide.
3. God will take care of you as long as you live, Granting you blessings no other can give, He will take care of you when time is past, Safe to His Kingdom will bring you at last.
If I were a butterfly, I'd thank you Lord for making my wings, If I were a robin in a tree, I'd thank you Lord that I could sing, And If I were a fish in the sea, I'd wriggle my tail and giggle with glee, But 1 just thank you father for making me, me.
Ch : For you gave me a heart, You gave me a smile, You gave me Jesus and you made me your child, And I just thank you Father For making me, me.
2. If I were an elephant, l,d thank you Lord by raising my trunk If I were a Kangaroo, I'd. try to hop right up to you, And if I were an octopus. I,d thank you Lord for my good look But I just thank you Father for making me, me.
3. If l were a wriggly worm, I'd thank you Lord that 1 could quit If I were a crocodile, I'd thank you Lord for my big smile, And If I were a fuzzy-wuzzy bear, I'd thank you LoiQ 'or my fuzzy-wuzzy But I just thank you Father for Making me, me.
1. To do to others as I would That they should do to me, Will make me always kind and good As children ought to be
Chorus:- The Golden Rule, Ha ! that's the rule for me, To do to others as I would That they should do to me.
2. I must not speak an angry word, 1 must not tell a lie, I must not contradict or make, My little playmates cry.
Chorus:- Little Poverello, help us little Poverello, How to live as you did' loving God and all men too You were every singing happiness to all men bringing Help us humble Francis, help us serve the Lord like you.
1. Mid shining sun or pouring rain you had but one refrain For in your heart and on your lips was ever Jesus name.
2. Reveal to us the secret of your "Lady Poverty". For only when we're poor in heart we have true liberty.
3. The world is seeking joy in vain, it longs for peace of mind. If men would love the Lord like you, true happiness they'd find.